Tenders at Non-governmental Gender Organisation Coordinating Council Among other companies

Deadline of this Job: 29 August 2022


1.0    Introduction

The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) is an umbrella network organisation that was founded in 1985 out of the realization that the empowerment of women in Zambia needed concerted efforts. Its formation by a few women NGOs was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Women that was held in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. Since then, NGOCC has grown to a current membership of 103 organisations spread in all the ten provinces of Zambia with a presence in 64 districts. NGOCC has continued its coordinating role and strengthening its member organisations to enhance their relevance and effectiveness in championing gender equity and equality.

In its over 36 years of existence, NGOCC has attained a strategic positioning as the focal point of the women’s movement in Zambia and is poised to utilize this comparative advantage to continue as the voice for women’s empowerment in addressing the gender agenda. NGOCC has, thus, become an influential voice in advocating for the implementation of gender sensitive and responsive national policies, legislation, and all developmental processes. In line with its broad mandate, NGOCC’s vision is, “A society where women are empowered to fully participate in social, cultural, economic and political development.” The mission being “To promote women’s empowerment for gender equity and equality through coordinated advocacy, capacity development of member organisations and linkages with government, local and international partners.”

2.0 Background

NGOCC has been implementing a five-year Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022) focusing on five thematic areas. The NGOCC Strategic Plan formed the basis of all organisational strategic interventions in the last five years in its quest to contribute to the global undertaking of the gender agenda which is anchored on the human rights approach. This Strategic Plan was informed by a number of gender instruments, national priorities and programs that would contribute to the development discourse of the country. The Plan is modeled on the Theory of Change Model and is well anchored on NGOCC’s envisaged change of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Zambia by 2022. The Model has therefore been the blueprint that informs NGOCC’s change strategies to bring about the desired results in as far as addressing gender inequalities between women and men is concerned.

The strategic pillars that inform NGOCC’s interventions for the period 2018-2022 include the following five broad areas:

  • Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Governance and Women’s Leadership
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience
  • Institutional Development and Sustainability

Under the Governance and Women’s Rights Pillar, NGOCC as the focal point of the women’s movement in Zambia has been advocating for the increased representation and participation of women in decision making positions. Specifically, NGOCC and the women’s movement have been advocating for increased adoption and representation of women at Local Government and Parliamentary levels among other leadership positions. Despite the various interventions over the years, women’s participation has remained low. According to the Voting Pattens Survey conducted by NGOCC, the inadequate legal and policy framework has been cited as one of the major impediments. It is against this background that NGOCC seeks to develop a position document of the most appropriate legal framework that would enhance women’s participation at various levels. Zambia is party to various regional and international Protocols that require 50:50 representation of both women and men in decision making positions.

3.0 The Assignment

NGOCC intends to engage a Consultant to conduct a desk comparative analysis between Zambia’s  existing legal frameworks and these: Zimbabwe, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya with a view to develop a position document which can help increase women’s participation in Zambia. Further, the Consultant will also undertake a review of the existing laws in Zambia and how they can be strengthened from the best practices in the aforementioned countries.

The selected candidate will also facilitate a validation meeting that will bring various stakeholders from the civil society, academia and the Government on the proposed legal framework.


  • An inception report
  • Conduct a desk review of the existing legal frameworks in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Uganda and develop a Zambia country document on the most ideal framework to enhance women’s participation in politics
  • Facilitate a one-day validation meeting for civil society, academia and the government


a. The entire consultancy will be for a period of twenty-five (15) working days to commence immediately the contract is signed.

6.0 Required Skill :

Applications are invited from either individual Consultants or organisations with the following experience;

  • An advanced post University Degree in either law or gender studies
  • Knowledge of the Zambian political and gender equality contexts
  • Proven experience working on issues of gender and women’s rights

7.0 Application Procedures:

  • A cover letter highlighting suitability and qualifications for this assignment
  • Track record of delivered samples of past works of similar nature.
  • Technical proposal with indicative work plan showing consultant’s planned approach to the assignment.
  • Cost proposal with proposed payment schedule for the given payment schedule.
  • Applicants should enclose proof of competence to undertake the assignment i.e. Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  • All applications should be addressed to the Executive Director, NGOCC Secretariat P.O Box 37879, Lusaka or email EXRESSION OF INTEREST to: info@ngocc.org.zm not later than Monday, August 29th 2022.

Deadline of this Job: 30 August 2022


CONSULTANCY TO UNDERTAKE: A cost benefit and affordability analysis of clean energy alternatives / products for productive and reproductive purposes for POWER Action women beneficiaries.

NAME OF PROJECT: Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER)



The Non-governmental Gender Organizations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) is an umbrella network for Non-Governmental and Community Based Organizations in Zambia. The organization has been active in championing women’s empowerment and gender equity and equality in Zambia since 1985. In over 30 years of its existence, NGOCC has grown to be the focal point of the women’s movement in Zambia, with a total membership of 103 as at the end of 2021 who are spread across all the 10 provinces of Zambia and covering 64 districts.

In 2020, NGOCC signed an agreement with the European Union (EU) to implement an action entitled: “Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment and Rights (POWER).” One of the key activities of the action is to conduct a cost benefit and affordability analysis of clean energy alternatives / products for productive and reproductive purposes for POWER Action women beneficiaries and disseminate the findings to the beneficiaries of the Action. (In this work, clean energy alternative or product refer to any kind of appliance that uses clean energy as the energy source. It includes renewable energy technologies such as solar irrigation, solar pumps, and Solar-Home Systems, improved/clean cook stoves as well as alternative energy technologies such as LPG stoves. Also conventional electric appliances such as electric stoves, cookers, fridges etc. using ZESCO electricity (hydro) could be seen as clean energy technologies as long as they are energy efficient; Also productive purpose refers to use of the products for any purpose which results in money, goods or property paid to any other person or entity, while reproductive purpose refers to cooking, lighting and heating).

According to a study of 2019 conducted in Zambia and Uganda by Energy Research Centre, the willingness to pay for an electricity connection or purchase a solar product is much lower in female-headed than male-headed household. This difference in willingness to pay could be caused by a number of reasons such as higher poverty levels, different priorities, less access to credit and less knowledge about clean energy technologies in female-headed households and also the high cost of the product (Energy Research Centre (2019) Electricity for Integrated Rural Development: The role of businesses, the public sector and communities in Uganda and Zambia. Project RISE Practitioner Report).


The assignment is to undertake a cost benefit and affordability analysis of clean energy alternatives / products for productive and reproductive purposes for POWER Action women beneficiaries.

The specific objectives to guide the analysis would be:

i. To understand and document the economic status of women beneficiaries of the POWER Action.

ii. Analyse the cost and affordability of clean energy alternatives / products by women beneficiaries of the POWER Action for productive and reproductive purposes

iii. Make recommendations in view of productive and reproductive purposes of available clean energy alternatives / products based on POWER Action women beneficiaries’ economic status and the results of the cost benefit analysis on the clean energy alternatives / products .


The entire work will be for a period of 40 days and work will be done in 10 provinces and covering 21 districts where NGOCC through its member organizations is implementing the POWER Action as follows:

1. Southern Province – Kalomo and Monze

2. Western Province – Kaoma and Luampa

3. Lusaka Province – Kafue and Chongwe

4. Eastern Province – Katete, Mambwe and Chipata

5. Central Province – Kabwe, Chibombo and Mumbwa

6. Copperbelt Province – Masaiti and Mufulira

7. N/Western Province – Mufumbwe and Solwezi

8. Luapula Province – Mansa

9. Northern Province – Lupososhi and Kasama

10. Muchinga Province – Mpika and Nakonde


  • Inception meeting between the Consultant and NGOCC.
  • An inception report including detailed methodology of delivery of work to be undertaken.
  • A draft study report.
  • Validation of the report.
  • Final Report.
  • Dissemination/Sharing of recommendations and suggestions with the NGOCC membership.


  • Relevant qualifications and expertise in economic accounting especially in economic analysis with at least 7 years of experience in conducting similar work.


a. A cover letter summarizing suitability and qualifications for this assignment with Company Profile

b. List of relevant similar assignments or actual outputs from these assignments

c. Technical proposal with indicative work plan showing Consultant’s planned approach to the assignment

d. Cost proposal with proposed payment schedule for the given payment schedule.

e. Any other support documents

Submission Procedure

Expression of Interest clearly marked, “Cost benefit and affordability analysis of clean energy alternatives / products” should be sent before close of business on 30th August 2022 to info@ngocc.org.zm copying kizichal2@yahoo.comjeremiahchamfya@gmail.com,

Deadline of this Job: 29 August 2022

Call for Expression of Interest for the Development of a Documentary on the Implementation of NGOCC’s 2018 – 2022 Strategic Plan at Non-governmental Gender Organisation Coordinating Council

  • Consultancy
  • Lusaka, Zambia
  • Posted 15 mins ago
  • TBA ZMW / Month
  • Closes: August 29, 2022

 1.0 Introduction

The Non-governmental Gender Organisations’ Coordinating Council (NGOCC) is an umbrella network organisation that was founded in 1985 out of the realization that the empowerment of women in Zambia needed concerted efforts. Its formation, by a few women NGOs, was an outcome of the United Nations Conference on Women that was held in Nairobi, Kenya in 1985. Since then, NGOCC has grown to a current membership of 103 organisations spread in all the ten provinces of Zambia with a presence in 64 districts. NGOCC has continued its coordinating role and strengthening its member organisations to enhance their relevance and effectiveness in championing gender equity and equality.

In it’s over 36 years of existence, NGOCC has attained a strategic positioning as the focal point of the women’s movement in Zambia and is poised to utilize this comparative advantage to continue as the voice for women’s empowerment in addressing the gender agenda. NGOCC has, thus, become an influential voice in advocating for the implementation of gender sensitive and responsive national policies, legislation and all developmental processes. In line with its broad mandate, NGOCC’s vision is, “A society where women are empowered to fully participate in social, cultural, economic and political development.” The mission being “To promote women’s empowerment for gender equity and equality through coordinated advocacy, capacity development of member organisations and linkages with government, local and international partners.”

2.0 Background

NGOCC has been implementing a five-year Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022) focusing on the below five thematic pillars:

  • Women’s Economic Empowerment
  • Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Governance and Women’s Leadership
  • Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience
  • Institutional Development and Sustainability

This Strategic Plan formed the basis of all organisational strategic interventions in the last five years in it’s quest to contribute to the global undertaking of the gender agenda which is anchored on the human rights approach. This Strategic Plan was informed by a number of gender instruments, national priorities and programs that contribute to the development discourse of the country. The Plan is modeled on the Theory of Change which is well anchored on NGOCC’s envisaged change of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Zambia by end of 2022. The Model has therefore been the blueprint that informs NGOCC’s change strategies to bring about the desired results in as far as addressing gender inequalities between women and men is concerned.

3.0 The Assignment

NGOCC intends to engage a Consultant, either an individual or an organization, to put together a one hour documentary highlighting outcomes/results from the implementation of the Strategic Plan in the last five years. In consultation with the NGOCC secretariate the Consultant will focus on impact results in the strategic thematic areas. The assignment will include conducting interviews with the beneficiaries of NGOCC, Member organisations, cooperating partners and the various communities in which the organizational interventions were undertaken.


  • In consultation with the NGOCC Communication Unit develop a script for the documentary
  • Documentary footage put together by filming impacts gathered through interviews with the various NGOCC Member Organisations


a. The entire consultancy will be for a period of fifteen  (15) working days commencing immediately the contract is signed.

6.0 Required Skill :

Applications are invited from either individual Consultants or organisations with the following experience;

  • A minimum of five (5) years’ experience in production of high-quality videos and documentaries
  • Experience in video editing and production
  • Some Knowledge in results oriented documenting

7.0 Application Procedures:

  • A cover letter summarizing suitability and qualifications for this assignment
  • Track record of delivered samples of past works of similar nature.
  • Technical proposal with indicative work plan showing consultant’s planned approach to the assignment.
  • Cost proposal with proposed payment schedule for the assignment.
  • Applicants should enclose proof of competence to undertake the assignment i.e. Curriculum Vitae (CV)


  • All applications should be addressed to the Executive Director, NGOCC Secretariat P.O Box 37879, Lusaka or email EXRESSION OF INTEREST to: info@ngocc.org.zm not later than Monday, August 29th 2022.