The Healing Balm Foundation a recognized civil society organization founded in 2021,with our Headquarters in Livingstone,Southern Province.
We aim to empower citizens and amplify their voices in public resource management, bridging the poverty gap through empowerment initiatives. We prioritize climate justice and advocate for household interventions to address human activities impacting the environment. Additionally, we are committed to deliberate disability inclusion, ensuring that all individuals have equal opportunities and representation.
Leadership within our organization is characterized by a diverse and skilled board of trustees, representing both Zambia and the UK. Their collective expertise spans across education, healthcare, environmental stewardship, disability inclusion, and governance, ensuring a comprehensive approach to our mission.Our team continues to expand, enabling us to develop, fund-raise, market, deliver, and monitor impactful initiatives across all our operational areas. As we strive for continual growth, we have established branches in Gweembe District and have a dedicated presence in Kazungula, focusing particularly on the Mukuni and Musokotwane chiefdoms. This strategic expansion allows us to extend our reach and deepen our impact, advancing our vision of a more equitable and sustainable future for all.
The Healing Balm Foundation is currently implementing a project dubbed Building Cultural Accountability Mechanisms- Up-scaling. This project funded by GIZ Zambia and Co funded by the European Union under the Enabling Access to Justice, Civil Society Participation and Transparency (EnACT) programme, aims to build on gains made in its predecessor project, “Building Cultural Accountability,” by leveraging the capacity built in traditional leaders to ignite the demand for accountability among ordinary citizens. The project aims to strengthen cultural systems and empower vulnerable groups, such as women and youth, to demand accountability in public service delivery. It will continue to use the education sector as an entry point to activate dialogue between citizens, traditional leaders, and duty bearers, ensuring the progressive realization of citizens’ rights. Additionally, it will strengthen platforms within traditional systems to encourage women’s participation.
To support the achievement of the above, the Healing Balm Foundation seeks a consultant/s to conduct a study on cultural norms and idioms in Mukuni and Musokotwane chiefdoms.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to conduct a study and document progressive cultural norms and idioms that promote transparency, integrity, and inclusion. The study will also highlight examples of individuals who faced legal consequences as a result of such practices. The Healing Balm Foundation shall hire the contractor for the anticipated contract term from 24th February to 8th March 2025.
The consultancy must be completed within 15 working days from the contract signing date with The Healing Balm Foundation as detailed below:
1)Inception Report Detailing Study Methodology-6th March 2025-Upto 2 days
2)Collection of Idioms and Cultural Norms-Between 13th March 2025 and 27th March 2025-Upto 10 days (5 days in each chiefdom)
3)Draft Report Development-3rd April 2025-Upto 2 days
4)Final Report Submission-17th April 2025-Upto 1 day
TOTAL=15 Days
1) Inception Report Detailing Study Methodology
The consultant will prepare and submit a comprehensive inception report outlining the methodology to be employed in the study. This report should include:
2) Collection of Idioms and Cultural Norms
In close collaboration with the M&E Officer, the consultant will finalize a list of traditional leaders to be interviewed and develop data collection plan. The consultant will ensure data collection includes:
The collected idioms should emphasize themes of integrity, transparency, inclusion, and accountability.
3) Draft Report Development
The consultant will compile and submit a draft report that synthesizes the findings and insights gathered during the study. The report will also include detailed recommendations identifying progressive cultural norms and strategies to leverage these norms to enhance transparency, accountability, and inclusion.
4) Final Report Submission
The consultant will refine the draft report based on feedback and submit a final version that comprehensively addresses all aspects of the study.
Bid document should include:
1. Individual/Company profile
2. Tpin Certificate
3. Copy of certificate of registration / Incorporation
4. Tax clearance certificate
5. Traceable references from at least 3 existing clients
6. Technical and financial proposal describing how they intend to undertake the assignment and the associated costs
7. Samples of previous work done (max two samples).
Reporting: The selected consultant will report to Executive Director. .
Interested eligible bidders should submit all the above stated documents by the 14th of February 2025 to or
Please note: the study will be conducted in Mukuni and Musokotwane Chiefdoms.
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