Caritas Zambia (CZ) is seeking an external consultant or consulting firm to provide technical assistance in reviewing and revising its cost structure and policy. The goal is to ensure the appropriate classification of costs as either direct or indirect. CZ aims to establish a standard procedure for allocating direct and indirect costs to project contracts and document this process in the Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) and Cost Allocation policies. These policies are intended to enable Caritas Zambia to recover full overhead costs, strengthen the organization’s financial management and viability, secure adequate funding for unrestricted income, enhance resilience, and ultimately improve long-term sustainability and preparedness. The implementation of the ICR and Cost Allocation policies and procedures will enhance Caritas Zambia’s financial management, transparency, and accountability, while also increasing compliance with international and local donor requirements. This will assist the organization in fulfilling its mandates more effectively and efficiently. The policies will standardize finance and accounting practices related to cost allocation and recovery, ensuring consistency and providing guidance to management and finance staff in achieving full recovery of both direct and indirect costs. Additionally, the policies will encourage a high level of compliance with established procedures. Any analysis of the cost structure, as well as the ICR and Cost Allocation policies and related documents produced, will be the property of Caritas Zambia. The organization reserves the right to make modifications, amendments, and additions as needed without requiring external permission or approval.
The primary objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive Finance and Administration Manual for Caritas Zambia, including a detailed section on overhead cost allocation policy. The manual should ensure clear and consistent financial and administrative practices, comply with relevant regulations, and support the organization’s financial sustainability.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
The consultant will primarily work with the Caritas Zambia Head of Finance, the Caritas Zambia Head of Programs, and the Caritas Zambia ALLright Fund Program Manager.
1.Selection process 11th February – 17th February 2025
2. The consultancy is expected to commence on 18th February 2025 and be completed by 14th March 2025
3. The first draft should be submitted by the 28th of February 2025
4 .Second draft by the 14th of March 2025
5 .Final draft by 21st March 2025
The above timeline is tentative; adjustments can be made depending on the offeror’s availability after a discussion with Caritas Zambia. The final timeline will be included in the service agreement between Caritas Zambia and Consultant.
Caritas Zambia welcomes applications from an individual or team that has the following experience and skills:
Eligibility criteria, terms, and conditions of Caritas Zambia.
– Technical Evaluation:
– Qualifications of the firm/previous experience
– Qualification of assigned team/PI
– Responsiveness to the specifications/needs
– Financial Evaluation
– cost & payment terms
Interested candidates should submit the following documents:
For further information or to submit your application, please contact: fad@caritaszambia.org and copy edmond@caritaszambia.org / info@caritaszambia.org.
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